To enter into the doors of the nursing home with the goal of encouraging & inspiring through praise, worship, and the power of the Word of God. Letting them know they are not forgotten.
We exist to Ignite the fire God has placed inside each of His children. From birth to teen years, we take the privilege and responsibility very seriously to train up the next generation of warriors for Christ.
If you have a prayer request or burdens on your heart, for yourself or others in your life and need someone to pray specifically, our prayer chain can help you!
The Mission of the Sound of Judah praise and worship ministry is to lead God’s people into His manifested presence by selecting and singing diverse songs of adoration and Thanksgiving
Our mission is to reach out, with love and compassion in times of celebration, grief or illness, as well as to those who have been absent from fellowship with the ministry of cards & phone calls.
Our Mission is to assist the candidates for preparation of Baptism. Mission for Communion Team is to prayerfully serve the people of God the Lords Supper.
The Carrying Hands food pantry is dedicated to providing food to those who are less fortunate in the community surrounding Lima area as well as providing soul food through the Word of God.
The Silent Mime Ministry uses mime to convey messages of faith and hope without words through expressive movements. it aims to inspire audiences and create a unique worship experience that transcends language barriers.