Michael & Kim Lyons
Loving God
Loving People
Changing Lives
Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor
Ecclesiastes 4:9

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Senior Pastor Michael Lyons the Visionary
Michael D. Lyons is the Senior Pastor of “In Faith Ministries International”, a rapidly growing, non-denominational, multi-ethnic, multi-cultural congregation located in Lima, Ohio.
A native of Dayton, Ohio; he was raised in a Pentecostal spirit-filled church and surrendered his life to Christ at the tender age of 10 years old. However, his journey quickly led him to a valley that included drugs and alcohol. After spending several years wandering in the wilderness, he found his way back to the righteousness of Christ under the prophetic teaching of Bishop Ted Willis of Second Baptist Church in Piqua, Ohio, where he was ordained a Minister of the Gospel.
Pastor Michael attended Defiance College in Defiance, Ohio where he received his Bachelors in Business Administration. His heart to help make a difference in Lima has caused him to serve on the board of community agencies to being the chaplain for the high school football team.
Pastor Michael's Community Involvement:
President /CEO IFM Community Development Corporation
Former Board of Director Bradfield Community Center
Pastor Michael's Community Involvement:
President /CEO IFM Community Development Corporation
Former Board of Director Bradfield Community Center

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Pastor Kim Y. Lyons Real Talk Straight Forward and On Fire
Kim Lyons is the founder of Kim Lyons Ministries (KLM) and the Co-Pastor of In Faith Ministries International in Lima Ohio. She is a pastor, conference speaker, author preacher, teacher, wife, mother and Nana she is affectionately called “Mama Kim.”
The vision and passion of Kim Lyons Ministries is designed to evangelize, restore and empower individuals from every walk of life with the Word of God, crossing racial denominational and economic barriers. Her life goal is to make the difference in the Kingdom of God! Kim’s passion for Christ has allowed her numerous opportunities to serve in ministry for over 30 years.
Her road map has been Isaiah 61 to preach good tidings to the poor, to minister healing to the brokenhearted and to proclaim Liberty to those who are in spiritual bondage. Her dynamic style and “Keeping it Real” preaching has allowed many to be set free.
She has been a featured guest on WTLW TV 44 and the TCT network. She has also served as a Chaplain with Marketplace Ministries and has published a book “21 days of Prayer Impact” inspired through a prayer ministry she established.
Her purpose and call is to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ to the World.
She is the wife of her best friend, loving husband and her Pastor, Pastor Michael and is the proud mother of four beautiful children and seven grandchildren.
Elder Mike/Ministress Talesha Sanders
Senior Pastors
Robert Rose
Product Designer

Don Francis
Tech Lead

Alexa Young
Product Manager